About Me

I created this blog to aid me in tutoring students.

I am keenly interested in what it means to be human, and specifically, the role that relating plays in our being human. Thus, I want to help my students relate, communicate, and express themselves as well and as freely as possible. My goal is both to remove obstacles to relating and to equip my students to relate with courage and freedom.

I see this blog as one of many tools to encourage and equip relationship. It provides a quiet, self-paced and self-directed space for exchanging ideas with students, as well as motivation for each of us to harness that most basic part of communication: language.

I titled this blog "Say More About That" because this is one of my favorite things to say to everyone. I really want to know what people mean -- what they're trying to say -- and how they feel about it all. So when I'm listening to a friend, or to a student, I try to remember to ask them to tell me what they mean -- instead of assuming that I know, and then telling them what I think they mean. I get to know people so much better when they do the talking!